September Monthly Digest

Comprara September Monthly Digest

A Case Study: Procurement Improvement in an Australian Company

In honour of the blooming of spring we have a fresh and insightful video case study for you on Procurement Improvement in an Australian Company. You’ll find it a really valuable four minutes spent.

Latest Blogs About Procurement Fraud, SMEs and Negotiation Tactics

On a more sobering note, it is estimated that 51% of organisations worldwide have been victims of fraud in the last two years. You’re Probably a Victim of Procurement Fraud. Here’s How to Spot It and Stop It.

Another risk issue: you’ve no doubt seen the media coverage of the repercussions of government’s overuse of big consulting firms. We have our say on the issue in “Opportunity Missed: Government’s ‘AusTinder’ Approach to Procurement Overlooks Value in SMEs”.

Finally, no matter which side of the negotiating table you find yourself, our article “27 Mistakes Salespeople Make During Negotiations (and How to Avoid Them)”, will give you some tools to improve negotiating outcomes.

How to Subscribe

Comprara’s Monthly Digest is published the first Wednesday of every month. If you’re not already a subscriber make sure you keep up to date with the latest in procurement by subscribing here.

Have a great month. I hope you can get out and enjoy the spring sunshine.

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