October Monthly Digest

Comprara October Monthly Digest

It’s all about supplier relationships and capability in this month’s digest from three core perspectives of technology, processes, and people. 

Related Articles on Supplier Relationship Management and Market Research Tools

We address the influence and impact of AI in “Enhancing Supplier Relationship Management with an AI Co-Pilot.” 

Moving on to processes that help organisations identify potential suppliers, assess their capabilities, and understand market dynamics, you’ll find “Market Research Tools for the Procurement Team” might expand your horizons.

In “Do you have the capability to build good supplier relationships?” We challenge you to figure out if your organisation has what it takes to build strong supplier relationships. 

While we’re on capability be sure to check out the feature below on our new look Skills Gap Analysis, a world-leading platform for assessment procurement team capability.

How to Subscribe

Comprara’s Monthly Digest is published the first Wednesday of every month. If you’re not already a subscriber make sure you keep up to date with the latest in procurement by subscribing here.

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