Goods, Dangerous

Many organisations create separate governance provisions around the purchase of potentially hazardous goods and services. Examples include machinery, plant and equipment, chemicals, poisons, explosives, gases, drugs and, radioactive materials. It is important for procurement practitioners to ensure that the risks in the purchase are understood prior to purchasing and receipt and that appropriate precautions are taken. This may include the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, appropriate storage and handling techniques and the acquisition and use of Materials Safety Data Sheets. For dangerous chemicals, a warning plate system called Hazchem is used on vehicles and on storage facilities. In the event of an emergency the warning plate also provides information on how emergency services should deal with an incident involving the substance.

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With over 800 Procurement specific terms (and growing) you will find everything you need to know or thought you knew about the Procurement function. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive list collated from the Comprara Groups hub of training and procurement consulting source materials.The Procurement Glossary has been compiled by industry expert Paul Rogers.