The benefits that come from having large or very large operations. In economics, the term means the reduction in a producer’s average cost per unit that results from having large output compared with that of competitors. Examples of the benefits which arise from economies of scale in production include the ability to price lower in the market than competitors, the ability to negotiate improved supplier pricing in return for greater volumes, the ability to allow managers to specialise, the ability to gain access to loans at lower interest rates etc. Procurement strategies that focus on volume aggregation and leverage rely on the principles of economies of scale. The corollary of the concept is that there is a point where diseconomies of scale begin. In procurement, an example might be that improving the percentage of spend with a preferred supplier arrangement from 80% to 90% of the total category spend might yield savings, but the organisational cost of securing the next 10 per cent of compliance might outweigh the incremental benefits. See also Leverage.
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