Category Strategy Tool is some composite of:

  • Market competition
  • Market capacity
  • Current suppliers capacity
  • Customer demand
  • Product/service substitution
  • Knowledge of product and costs
  • Attractiveness of business
  • Barriers to change or switching costs
  • Minimum standards


  • Visual feedback on choices through inbuilt smarts (so allows ‘what if’ scenario planning)
  • Includes glossary of terms to inform and advise stakeholders on the Balance of power
  • Takes Porter’s Five Forces and simplifies and applies the ideas in a practical and transparent way
  • Can be stored and shared to create a documentary decision making trail


  • Allows independent validation of subjective assumptions about who has the balance of power
  • Allows negotiators to undertake ‘what if’ scenario planning to test potential options
  • Allows validation of proposed tactics and strategies and creates a medium for governance review
  • More likelihood that the client will align their negotiation objectives and strategies to the actual Balance of power
  • Less likelihood that the client will assume ‘we are weak’ and create self-limiting scripts based upon misreading of the actual balance of power

Should you wish to have a set of more ‘serious’ tools, platforms or services at your disposal we would love to help.