
The Human Approach to Procurement

Human Approach to Procurement - Comprara

We were invited by Sue Barrett to contribute to Barrett’s 12 Sales Trends for 2023, titled “The Case for Human-centred Economics”. Below is the piece we wrote on the human approach to procurement. You can find Barrett’s full report here.[1]. I think we can all agree on procurement’s primary objective:…

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Want to Win the Procurement War for Talent? Look Within

Procurement Education Platforms - Academy of Procurement

Turnover is high. By some estimates, it’s double pre-pandemic levels. This is putting at significant risk the ambitions of procurement teams in 2023: increased adoption of digital solutions; strengthening strategic supplier relationships; further commitments to ESG initiatives. Without an adequate workforce, nothing of significance will be achieved. With many HR…

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How Modern AI Can Help CPOs Embrace Their New Role

Procurement Strategies for cpos - Comprara

Gone are the days when Chief Procurement Officers only managed day-to-day procurement activities; CPOs are now strategic power players in their organisations. They are responsible for developing long-term partnerships with key suppliers, managing risks, driving innovation and digital transformation, and being a valuable asset to the company’s overall strategy. At…

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The Circular Supply Chain: Out With the New, In With the Old

What are the benefits of a circular supply chain?

Sustainability isn’t a buzzword anymore; thanks to customer demands (expectations, even) and government regulations, it’s the new normal. Unfortunately, the traditional, linear supply chain, with its resource-heavy inefficiency, doesn’t lend itself to this ESG-focused world. If organisations want to capture the loyalty of the contemporary customer and stay in the…

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2023: The Year of Procurement Hygiene

Procurement Hygiene Priorities - Procurement Consulting Services

As we enter the new year of 2023, it’s important to reflect on the past and consider how we can improve in the future. One area that organisations should focus on is procurement hygiene. Identify opportunities and clean up your act Procurement hygiene is a crucial component of any successful…

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2023 Will Be Hard on Procurement. Here’s How to Make it Easier & Gain an Advantage

Supply chain disruptions - 5 Obstacles for Procurement

2022 was arguably the hardest year on record for procurement teams worldwide. Unfortunately, the issues responsible for this aren’t disappearing with the coming of a new year, and some are only going to get worse. The constant pressure procurement teams have been under in recent years looks to be a…

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Spend Analytics Can Drive ESG Initiatives

Track and report on ESG initiatives with Spend Analytics

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives are important strategy drivers for an increasing number of organisations worldwide. This is no longer only about responsibility to the environment and community we operate in (though that is motivation enough); these initiatives are now considered key drivers in the effort to gain greater…

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Address Cost Pressures & Modern Slavery Reporting with Data Analytics

Modern Slavery Reporting with Data Analytics - Comprara

The construction industry is under significant pressure at the moment. A perfect storm of expensive, scarce materials coupled with extra compliance reporting obligations have brought the pain, and its focal point is the procurement team. With rising prices, businesses in this industry are under pressure to come up with cost-effective…

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Labour Hire: Keep the Advantages, Leave the Risks with ProcureTRAK

Managed Labour Hire with ProcureTRAK - Comprara

Labour costs are rising and the transient workforce is growing. In response, many organisations are relying on labour hire and recruitment agencies more than at any other time. This has its advantages – and its risks. If you’re the average organisation, you aren’t doing enough to manage these risks. Of…

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GDPR and Procurement: 9 Things You Should Know

9 Essential Things You Need to Know About GDPR and Procurement

Data protection has been a growing concern worldwide as more of our personal information moves online. In Australia, this concern has become acute recently after the hacking debacles at Optus and Medibank. Many have wondered, ‘How can this happen?’. Many are now asking, ‘How could this have been prevented?’. On…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.