
Are your procurement people square pegs in round holes?

Square pegs

Your procurement department is missing the mark somehow, and you can’t put your finger on the cause. You’ve invested in a team of top people, but they’re not delivering the results you want. Your procurement manager is great at evaluating suppliers and finding the best in the business. But as…

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Probity Matters: Because No One Wants to be Front Page News for the Wrong Reason

Probity Matters

You have an incredible idea, the concept has been approved by all channels, you put out the tender or negotiated the best deal, you’re following the correct procurement purchasing procedures and everything works out just as you intended with high moral standards and reputation intact. We know it’s good business,…

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Managing Your Supplier Performance

Supplier Performance

When you have a contract with your supplier, it’s the beginning of an on-going relationship. You expect the supplier to keep performing, day after day, like clockwork – delivering goods and services to the same high standard, and always dependable and reliable. After all, they signed the contract. They agreed…

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The Importance of Being Earnest About SLAs and KPIs

You’re dealing with a new supplier. You need to draw up a Service Level Agreement, commonly referred to as an SLA.  You know you’ve got to cross every t and dot every i.  So how do you make sure that you’ve covered all bases?  How do you know that your…

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5 Reasons Why Your Procurement People Should Learn To Negotiate Effectively


You’ve hired some good procurement people. Their skills are solid. They have experience. They’re a good fit in your organisation. But – are they gun negotiators? Do they consistently get the best deals from suppliers? Are they always focused on YOUR bottom line? If not, it’s time to consider the…

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The Art of Contract Management

Contract Management

It’s easy to get excited about the purchase or acquisition of a good or service, especially when it can positively affect the way you do your day-to-day job, but contract management is a fine art that can’t be rushed and needs to be treated with tender, loving care, by all…

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12 Sales Trends for 2017

We are pleased to release our 8th annual 12 sales trends report. 2017 Sales Trends focuses on – Going from ordinary to extraordinary In times of major change, uncertainty and upheaval we have two choices: 1) bunker down, keeping our heads low, waiting for things to pass and settle down…

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Getting Perspective on Procurement Capability

Procurement Capability

Again, according to Deloitte’s CPO Survey for 2017, 60% of CPO’s do not believe their teams has the skills to deliver the procurement strategy. Why does this belief persist? Is it true, partially true or a complete misconception? This is where it is crucial to devise a tailored competency framework…

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Improve your negotiation skills through corporate e-learning

Negotiation skills

We cannot undermine the value of negotiation skills which is at the center of any business strategic initiatives. Being a good negotiator usually implies more sales motivation, leading to the best deals for the advancement of the organization. Apart from making interesting deals, it also leads to an improved supplier…

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Procurement Basics: Where should we pro-actively use Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)?

Supplier Relationship Management

First of all a question for buyers, be you CEOs, CIOs, HoEs, PMs, CatMans etc. “Do you have unlimited time and resources?” No, of course not! Our time and resources are limited, therefore we need to apply pragmatic Effort/Benefit considerations to all activities including SRM, using KPIs etc etc Secondly,…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.