
You are brilliant at procurement today. But will you be tomorrow?

Behind every successful product and service is a brilliant procurement team … a team who finds innovation, and uncovers value. Procurement has contributed to the delivery of outstanding global business achievements … global communications … economically providing essential services for those who need them the most, … making electronics more…

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Procurement 4.0 for Industry 4.0

Procurement 4.0

Overview. Over the course of the last few weeks, we have discussed a number of trends that are taking us into a brave new world of Business and Industry. We have explored topics such as big data, increased automation and discussed other subjects that fall under the broad umbrella term…

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Procurement in the future: Humans need not apply

Future of Procurement

Are humans obsolete? It’s a strange question to ask, but if you read articles commenting on the current rise of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence, you cannot escape the notion that many futurists believe that we should all prepare to be replaced by machines. To be fair, there is some…

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Procurement Skills for the future: predict the future with predictive analysis

Data is the new oil

Data is the new oil, but how will it fuel procurement in the future? One way is for data to predict the future. Currently, the focus of data analysis is to examine the past. Spend analysis and management involve processing and analysing data to decrease procurement costs, improve efficiency and…

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Who is responsible for your procurement competency development?

LEAP Academy of procurement

EdAssist and the University Phoenix explored the question of “who is responsible” for their study titled “The Real Story Behind Career Development: Who is Responsible?” found a marked difference in perspective between workers and managers. Most workers believe that it is the responsibility of their employers’ to help develop their…

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Can robots take your procurement job?

Procurement Robots

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is here and, for the most part, it is a great innovation. Procurement chiefs have long lamented that their teams spend too much time on administrative tasks and not enough on “growth-enhancement” activities. Robots in Procurement can readily assume these mundane tasks thereby freeing up intellectual…

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Are you the grand-master negotiator that you THINK you are?


There is a negotiation skills gap. This gap arises because negotiation is usually a skill that we acquire through practice and observation. We start by observing our parents, how they negotiate or don’t negotiate with us as children. As we grow up, most people pick up negotiation skills informally from…

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Are you ready for Big Data in Procurement?

Big Data

Big Data is “in”, it is the buzzword of the decade as businesses and organisations in-general become more and more data driven. Yet, what is big data? How does it differ from traditional data and data analysis? Most importantly, are you ready for big data’s encroachment into procurement? What is…

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A short-fall in skill-set is (almost) unavoidable!


In the age of data, almost every role in the workforce demands perpetual and consistent up-skilling. However,  many corporate positions (such as in Procurement) do not possess the culture of continuous skills development –  a firm requirement in today’s data-driven world.  The simple reality is that our job requirements change…

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Are you a Manager Guilty of Killing Commercial Acumen? An Open Letter to Management

Business Acumen

It’s time we had a deep and meaningful conversation about commercial acumen. You know what I mean – good old fashioned business sense. Who is responsible for developing commercial acumen within your organisation? Is commercial acumen something that can be developed. Or is the ‘gut feel’ of a commercial deal…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.