
Supplier Love – 7 tips for Procurement Professionals this Valentines

inspirations to improve your Supplier Relationships - Supplier Love

While February is the month of love, there is a bit of Valentine’s backlash with people wondering why is it that we need a special day to cherish our partners when we should be showing our love and gratitude for them all year long. Certainly, we should be mindful of…

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Can someone PLEASE stop the mavericks?!

Maverick Buying

All of us in procurement know that procurement non-compliance happens. The bigger the organisation, the more likely the chance that someone, somewhere is making purchasing decisions without consulting procurement or going through the defined process. Often referred to as maverick buying, this type of behaviour can also be the result of…

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“Let us welcome our newest chatbot to the team!”

Digital Procurement Bot Powered By Artificial Intelligence

Remember the good old days where most manager’s had personal assistants? You may not because it has been many decades since it was viable to have a large pool of secretaries to whom you could delegate tasks. Technological aids have facilitated the self-service model which in-turn has seen the decline…

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Trust me I am in procurement

Trust Me I Am In Procurement

What does it mean to trust someone? It certainly does not mean that we know everything about them. Indeed, after a certain point, further information is meaningless.  Studies have shown that once an impression is made, new facts don’t necessarily trigger a reassessment. If our trust is formed based on…

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Cryptocurrencies are endlessly fascinating.


They raise some interesting questions about fiat money and how we assign value. They are volatile as investments, not used for transactions as much (as they should be a true currency) and at this juncture they are still mostly an engineering exercise of “well we can do it, so why…

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Learn, Experience, Apply, Progress = Blended Learning

Learn, Experience, Apply, Progress = Blended Learning

I think it’s obvious to most people that how we teach has changed over time. Partly out of necessity, as the need for mass education took hold, we adopted a model of one size fits all. The “fit” in this case was classroom learning, and this was applicable to both…

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The Future of Education: The School of Thought

Every degree, except for philosophy, is applied philosophy. I would like to say all philosophers agree with this statement, but it wouldn’t be philosophy if there were at least some dissenters. So why did I start this article with a joke about philosophy? Mark Cuban recently said that he believed…

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Is anyone sick of VUCA?!

Procurement professionals have plenty of fuel interacting with suppliers - VUCA

Did we need to add a new acronym to our vocabulary? VUCA.   VUCA stands for volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguous; it is the word that summarise the world in which we currently live. In many ways, we have always lived in a VUCA world, but the nostalgia can often make…

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Is Adaptability a Procurement Skill?

Is Adaptability a Procurement Skill?

Recruiting experts, Hays conducted a survey of 951 employers to discover what skills are they believe are the most in demand (also, will continue to be in demand going forward). The top five skills turned out to be: Communication (77%), Adaptability (66%), Digital proficiency in relevant new technology (64%), Innovation…

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Does data give your day a va-va-va voom?

Global Procurement Capability Benchmark. To Participate In The Global Be

Is data the most disruptive force for procurement, or if used correctly, can it power us forward? In 2016, EY released a paper exploring the role of analytics in procurement. The paper is well worth the read, and this got me thinking about two of the ways analytics would change…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.