
The Fragility of Our Supply Chains Has Been Exposed. Now What?

For Barrett’s 12 Sales Trends Report last year, my article – We change, or we burn – argued that the Bronze Age collapse was a warning we should heed. Due to the complex logistical nature of the procurement process behind the production of bronze, the world of the Bronze Age…

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How agile is your supply chain?

Three people staring at a ticking clock, wondering if they have an agile supply chain

Now is the time to ensure you can respond quickly to changes in your supply chain. ‘Let’s face it – it can’t get any worse.’ This came from a man on ABC News, talking about the impact of COVID-19. It’s an optimistic statement at best, but more likely famous last…

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Procurement Consultant: Selecting the Right One

The right procurement consultant for your needs

If you’re in the hunt for the right procurement consultant, now is the time to strike. The pandemic has moved a lot of great procurement talent to the bench and, with the recession, many organisations are in the process of restructuring. Unfortunately, most restructurings aren’t perfect. One company’s misstep, though,…

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7 Keys to a Successful Reverse Auction

Reverse auctions

Reverse Auctions are a great way to generate significant cost savings. According to CNBC, companies are typically saving 10 to 20% by using reverse auctions, but I’ve also seen others quote savings over 30%. However, it’s got to be done right. So, how do you run a successful reverse auction?…

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The gig economy and contingent workers – the new normal

The gig economy

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “workers in the gig economy”? Uber drivers? Freelancers working through apps like Fiverr and Airtasker? Maybe you’re old school and still think of “gigs” as something musicians perform. Yet gig workers are everywhere, including in corporate boardrooms. Marketing consultants, data…

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It’s Time to Think About the Total Cost of Ownership

United symbols of business and environment, achieved though total cost of ownership

‘High quality, affordable products, and services that don’t harm the environment, delivered on demand!’ Sound familiar? That’s the mantra of the modern customer. No longer is it acceptable to sacrifice quality for a cheaper price tag. Nor is it acceptable to cut corners at the expense of the environment and…

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The compounding impact of commercial nous

It feels like just yesterday that I received my first lesson in ‘commercial nous’. That was 25 years ago. At that time, I was a mechanic. The most valuable thing I learnt was not tightening bolts, changing oil, and replacing spark plugs. It was how to look someone in the eye, shake…

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Make or Buy: It’s Time for a Rethink

What is the point of sales departments? To create markets and stoke demand. Sales departments have been a standard part of industry for so long that we sometimes fail to remember that, for much of human history, sales activity was business to consumer. Business to business sales wasn’t a concept…

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Procurement Challenges Facing CPOs

A chain with a weak link, and text asking how resilient is your supply chain

Travel to Australia is down by 60% due to COVID-19. It’s just one of the many blows to the economy caused by the pandemic. This unprecedented drop in GDP is leading to a potentially seismic shift in how procurement is viewed and how it can make organisations across Australia more…

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5 Auction Types You Should Consider in Procurement

5 auction type

Just last year, we published a blog outlining the value of a particular auction type: the reverse auction. It listed 5 benefits, which included: The reasons above are as valid now as they were a year ago, and will remain so in 2021. This has led in part to reverse…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.