
What Is a Procurement Spend Cube?: The Data Suite Series – #1

What Is a Procurement Spend Cube?

It’s not about what you have; it’s how you use it. Anyone can collect data, but more and more organisations are struggling to visualise it in a manner which leads to actionable insights. If you want to see your spend data clearly, you have to put it in a spend…

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5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business

5 Ways Procurement Can Expand Your Business

Expand or die. It may seem like a brutal ultimatum, but it holds some truth when it comes to the business world. Organisations, like the universe, cannot stay still: they expand or they contract. That’s it. If you want to keep operating, you have to keep growing. But this growth…

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4 Steps to Address the Skills Gap

4 Steps to Address the Skills Gap

The pandemic was a torture test for the procurement industry, applying immense pressure and exposing considerable fault lines. 86% of respondents to a McKinsey survey believe they are currently facing significant gaps in procurement capability directly as a result of COVID-19. More broadly, 87% of companies say they are facing…

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4 Vital Criteria of Supplier Selection

Supplier Selection Consultants - Comprara

Few things have more impact on a business than supplier selection. Who you work with and where you source your materials and resources determine your future success. This isn’t only about providing a product or service that performs as needed, but about what it took to create it. Price is…

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What Goes Into a Value Chain Analysis?

Procurement Consultant Experts - Comprara

What is your competitive advantage? If you hesitate when asked, then take cold comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. Too many businesses haven’t performed an adequate value chain analysis, which means they can’t know precisely what value they’re generating and which areas to target for gain. If you…

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7 Reasons why eLearning outperforms the classroom

E-learning Supply Chain Mnagement - Comprara

Modern eLearning outperforms the classroom when it comes to delivering an engaging and efficient syllabus. I don’t know about you, but my lessons at school, university or professional development training have not always gone at the pace I wanted. They were either too fast, too slow and even if they…

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5 Reasons to Use Reverse Auctions in 2022

Compelling Benefits of Reverse Auctions - Comprara

“What is the best deal you can offer me?” This question is at the heart of negotiations. Of course, a lot of factors must be taken into account when arriving at the answer. The “best deal” isn’t necessarily the lowest price, but the one that allows both parties to achieve their objectives….

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Which Soft Skills Are Pivotal To Procurement in 2022?

Procurement Soft Skills - Comprara

Digitisation has been the buzzword within the procurement industry for the last decade. As such, the focus on soft skills has weakened – until now. A McKinsey Global Survey on reskilling has found that the skills with the biggest increase in focus fall into the social and emotional categories. So,…

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Negotiation Approaches in Procurement – 5 Key Tips

Procurement Negotiation Strategies

It’s one of the oldest art forms in the world, but that doesn’t mean negotiation doesn’t need an update every now and again. A pandemic, supply chain issues and high inflation have combined to transform the negotiation landscape in 2022. Tactics we once relied upon may be more damaging than…

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Data Analytics: Develop Core Skills, Outsource the Rest

Outsource Procurement Officers - Comprara

Data analytics has been the buzzword in the procurement industry for years, yet there are still many organisations that can’t articulate precisely what it can do for them. Not only has this prevented them from developing their data analysis capabilities, but it’s also meant that those companies who truly benefit…

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Comprara acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country, recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community and pays respect to Elders past, present and future.