An experienced Leadership, Executive Coach & HR specialist with a Post Grad in Industrial Relations & Human Resources Management combined with a broad generalist background spanning 12+ years encompassing all elements of HR, Leadership and Coaching. A qualified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and in various leadership profiling including DISC, 4 Quadrant Leadership, Fierce Conversations and Hogan Leadership Profiling. Alicia has worked with many leaders including CEO’s, Executive Committees, General Management and Emerging Leaders. Through working with this diversity, Alicia has maintained a balance of personal and business focus for her clients & has coached them across elements of career transition, resilience, people strategy, leadership, organisational development and developing high potentials.
“I thought the session was fantastic- it is not often that I attend a session that is so engaging”
– Heidi Roberts, Executive Director, Contract and Delivery Management
“Great facilitator with energy and passion! Good content to keep me engaged and to stretch my thinking! At a high level it is on the money”.
– Ross Mangano, Director Procurement Services