August Monthly Digest

Comprara August Monthly Digest

If you’ve been following the cricket or Women’s World Cup football you’ll appreciate what a roller coaster playing in the big time is – hero headlines one minute, villain the next.

Latest Blogs About Cybersecurity and Procurement Risks

In our digest this month we look at playing big-time procurement in “8 Big Project Procurement Risks”.

In recent times, big-time headlines have hit on some large companies over major IT security breaches. We explore the inevitable impacts for procurement in “Procurement Needs to Start Prioritising Cybersecurity”.

Of course, big-time procurement needs highly skilled teams working in sync. In “Closing the Capability Gap in Procurement” we look at three ways to build talent and three ways to retain talent – no matter which procurement league you play in.

Save With Product Price Benchmarking

So where does your procurement team sit on the league ladder? In our highlight video, Ben Shute talks about using benchmarking of spend data to compare what you’re buying versus other like organisations. A greater opportunity to look for competitive advantage and team recognition.

How to Subscribe

Comprara’s Monthly Digest is published the first Wednesday of every month. If you’re not already a subscriber make sure you keep up to date with the latest in procurement by subscribing here.

Have a great month. I look forward to talking to you soon.

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