How Not to Negotiate:Your Complete 7- Step Guide   

effective negotiation strategies

Imagine this: You’re in a high-stakes negotiation meeting, the future of a multi-million dollar contract hangs in the balance. The room is tense, every word is scrutinized, and one wrong move could cost your company dearly. Have you ever wondered why some negotiations lead to fruitful, long-term partnerships while others end in disappointment and lost opportunities? According to the Harvard Business Review, 80% of companies fail to achieve the full value expected from their contracts due to poor negotiation practices. Similarly, the KPMG Global CEO Outlook survey found that 47% of CEOs believe their organizations are not effective at negotiating contracts, leading to significant value leakage and missed opportunities.

Research by World Commerce & Contracting (formerly IACCM) indicates that 57% of organizations experience delays in contract negotiations due to a lack of clear objectives and priorities, resulting in increased costs and missed deadlines. These statistics underscore how crucial effective negotiation strategies are for maximizing the value of B2B contracts. Good negotiation sets the stage for successful business relationships and ensures everyone’s interests are protected. By learning from common mistakes, negotiators can improve their strategies and achieve better outcomes and stronger partnerships.

In this guide, we’ve outlined the seven critical missteps for procurement professionals to avoid in contract negotiation. Each step in the negotiation process is an opportunity to strengthen your position and build lasting business relationships. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: “Preparation? Who Needs It?”:
Enter Blindly

One of the biggest blunders in contract negotiation is walking into discussions without doing your homework. Skipping the analysis, research and preparation phase often leads to making uninformed decisions and relying on assumptions instead of hard facts.

This oversight is often due to overconfidence in experience, a phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, where seasoned procurement professionals rely too much on their past successes and familiarity with the industry, leading them to skip thorough preparation. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of procurement frequently results in rushing into negotiations to meet tight deadlines, leaving little time for in-depth research and analysis. Resource constraints also play a role, as limited access to data, tools, or personnel can prevent professionals from fully understanding the situation before entering negotiations.


When you enter negotiations unprepared, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Without a clear grasp of your spend category, stakeholder’s desires, market conditions, legal considerations, and the other party’s needs and constraints, you’re likely to miss key opportunities and stumble into potential pitfalls. This can result in unfavourable terms, overlooked risks, and ultimately, a less beneficial outcome for you.


To steer clear of these issues, it’s crucial to do your homework before negotiations begin. Understand industry standards, the specifics of what you’re negotiating, and the background and goals of the other party. Also, review your own objectives, priorities, and limits. Click here to see a more detailed step-by-step guide on preparing for negotiations.

Develop a solid negotiation strategy by defining your ideal outcome, acceptable compromises, and your walk-away point. Understanding the other party’s potential needs and pressures allows you to present offers that are both appealing and mutually beneficial. Tools like SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) can help organise your approach and ensure you cover all bases. Investing time in preparation strengthens your negotiating position and helps you secure better contract terms.

Now that we’ve stressed the importance of preparation, let’s dive into another common mistake: neglecting the human element in negotiations.

Step 2: “My Way or the Highway”:
Overlook Rapport

A frequent error in contract negotiations is concentrating exclusively on the deal’s terms while neglecting the relationship with the other party. Procurement professionals often find themselves feeling enormous pressure to deliver results, and this pressure can lead to several common pitfalls. The intense drive to achieve cost savings and meet tight deadlines can push them into a transactional approach, where the immediate deal takes precedence over building long-term relationships. This focus on tangible metrics, like cost reduction and contract compliance, often overshadows the qualitative aspects of relationship-building. Additionally, the high volume of contracts that procurement departments handle can make it challenging to invest the necessary time in nurturing these relationships. With so many deals to manage, it can be tempting to prioritize efficiency over developing a meaningful rapport.

Real-World Examples:

Example 1: Tech Industry Partnership

In the early 2000s, a major tech company was negotiating a critical supply contract with a component manufacturer. Initially, the procurement team focused solely on cost reduction, pushing the manufacturer hard on price. This approach strained the relationship, leading to resistance and slow responses from the manufacturer. Realizing the impasse, the procurement lead decided to shift tactics. They invested time in understanding the manufacturer’s challenges, discussed shared goals, and explored ways to add value beyond price cuts. By building rapport and fostering trust, they negotiated a more balanced agreement that included flexible delivery schedules and joint innovation projects, ultimately resulting in a stronger partnership and better long-term outcomes for both parties.

Example 2: Healthcare Sector Collaboration

A hospital group was negotiating with a medical equipment supplier for a long-term contract. The procurement team initially took a hardline stance, emphasizing cost savings and stringent terms. This approach led to friction and a breakdown in talks. The hospital’s procurement manager then decided to take a step back and engage the supplier differently. They organized informal meetings, learned about the supplier’s business, and identified mutual benefits, such as collaborative training sessions for hospital staff and joint marketing initiatives. This relationship-focused strategy built mutual respect and understanding, leading to a contract that not only saved costs but also enhanced service quality and innovation.

Example 3: Construction Project Negotiation

In a large infrastructure project, a construction company was negotiating with a key subcontractor. The initial negotiations were purely transactional, focusing on tight deadlines and penalties for delays. This approach caused tension and reluctance from the subcontractor. Recognizing the potential for a stalemate, the construction company’s project manager decided to focus on relationship-building. They visited the subcontractor’s offices, held team-building activities, and created open channels of communication. By establishing rapport and showing a genuine interest in the subcontractor’s concerns and capabilities, they developed a collaborative agreement that included shared risk management plans and joint problem-solving sessions, leading to a successful project completion.


Focusing solely on the deal can lead to a lack of trust and strained interactions. When parties feel they are merely a means to an end, they are less likely to be cooperative and more likely to harbor resentment. This can result in conflicts during the negotiation process and potentially damage future business relationships, making it harder to reach mutually beneficial agreements.


Building a strong relationship with the other party is essential. Start by establishing rapport through open and honest communication. Show genuine interest in their needs, concerns, and goals. Understanding their perspective not only helps in crafting proposals that are more likely to be accepted but also fosters a sense of partnership and collaboration. Creating a collaborative atmosphere where both parties feel respected and valued can lead to more innovative solutions and a smoother negotiation process. Regular, informal interactions and finding common ground can further strengthen the relationship. By investing in relationship building, you create a foundation of trust and goodwill that can lead to more successful negotiations and lasting partnerships.

Step 3: “Details, Schmetails”:
Overlook Contract Details

A critical error in contract negotiation is failing to thoroughly review and understand all the terms and conditions. Several factors contribute to this oversight among procurement professionals.

Again often, overconfidence in their experience plays a role. Seasoned professionals might assume they’ve seen it all and rely on their intuition or past knowledge, leading to complacency and insufficient attention to new contract details.

Time constraints add to this issue; the fast-paced nature of procurement means negotiations are often rushed, with tight deadlines tempting professionals to skim through contract terms rather than conducting a detailed review.

Moreover, the complexity of contracts, filled with dense legal jargon and intricate clauses, can be overwhelming.

Without specialised legal knowledge, procurement professionals might miss crucial details, mistakenly assuming they are standard or non-critical. Understanding these challenges highlights the importance of a meticulous and informed approach to contract review.

A critical error in contract negotiation is failing to thoroughly review and understand all the terms and conditions. Several factors contribute to this oversight among procurement professionals. Again, often overconfidence in their experience plays a role. Seasoned professionals might assume they’ve seen it all and rely on their intuition or past knowledge, leading to complacency and insufficient attention to new contract details. Time constraints add to this issue; the fast-paced nature of procurement means negotiations are often rushed, with tight deadlines tempting professionals to skim through contract terms rather than conducting a detailed review. Moreover, the complexity of contracts, filled with dense legal jargon and intricate clauses, can be overwhelming. Without specialized legal knowledge, procurement professionals might miss crucial details, mistakenly assuming they are standard or non-critical. Understanding these challenges highlights the importance of a meticulous and informed approach to contract review.

Checklist of Key Contract Elements to Review:

     1.   Parties Involved:

        •   Ensure all parties are clearly identified.

        •   Verify the correct legal names and contact information.

     2.   Scope of Work:

        •   Define the services or products to be provided.

        •   Include detailed descriptions and specifications.

     3.   Deliverables and Milestones:

        •   Outline specific deliverables and deadlines.

        •   Include a schedule of milestones and performance criteria.

     4.   Pricing and Payment Terms:

        •   Clarify total cost, payment schedule, and payment methods.

        •   Specify any discounts, penalties, or incentives.

     5.   Duration and Termination:

        •   Define the contract’s start date, duration, and renewal terms.

        •   Detail the conditions for early termination and any associated penalties.

     6.   Obligations and Responsibilities:

        •   Detail the duties and responsibilities of each party.

        •   Include any sub-contracting provisions and requirements for third parties.

     7.   Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:

        •   Specify what information is confidential.

        •   Outline the obligations for non-disclosure and data protection.

     8.   Liability and Indemnity:

        •   Define the limits of liability for each party.

        •   Detail indemnity provisions and any exclusions.

     9.   Dispute Resolution:

        •   Include procedures for resolving disputes (e.g., mediation, arbitration).

        •   Specify the governing law and jurisdiction.

  10.   Intellectual Property Rights:

        •   Clarify the ownership of intellectual property created during the contract.

        •   Include any licensing agreements or usage rights.

  11.   Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

        •   Ensure compliance with relevant local, state, and federal laws.

        •   Include clauses related to regulatory requirements and standards.

  12.   Force Majeure:

        •   Define circumstances under which parties are excused from performance due to uncontrollable events.

        •   Include procedures for notification and mitigation.

  13.   Amendments and Modifications:

        •   Specify how changes to the contract will be handled.

        •   Include procedures for formalizing amendments.

  14.   Warranties and Representations:

        •   Detail any warranties or guarantees provided.

        •   Include representations about the performance or quality of goods/services.

  15.   Insurance Requirements:

        •   Specify the types and amounts of insurance coverage required.

        •  Include provisions for proof of insurance.


Overlooking contract details can result in unfavourable terms, hidden costs, and potential legal issues. These oversights can have serious financial implications, create operational challenges, and lead to disputes that might require costly litigation. Ignoring the fine print can also damage the business relationship if one party feels blindsided by unexpected terms.


It is essential to conduct a meticulous review of the contract. Take the time to read and understand every clause, even those that seem standard or insignificant. Consulting with legal experts is crucial; they can identify potential pitfalls and ensure that the contract complies with relevant laws and regulations. Furthermore, it’s important to ensure that all terms are clear, unambiguous, and mutually agreeable. Any vague or confusing language should be clarified and revised. Engaging in a thorough review process helps prevent misunderstandings and protects against future conflicts. By paying close attention to contract details, you can safeguard your interests and pave the way for a successful and conflict-free business relationship.

Now that we’ve highlighted the importance of scrutinising every detail, let’s move on to another common pitfall: the unwillingness to compromise.

Step 4: “Take It or Leave It”:
Refuse to Bend

A common mistake in contract negotiation is adopting a rigid stance and refusing to compromise. This inflexibility can stem from several factors.

Let’s be honest. Ego and a sense of authority can play a significant role. Procurement professionals managing substantial budgets may develop a “take it or leave it” attitude, believing their position and control over large sums of money should naturally command compliance.

Additionally, the desire for control can drive professionals to stick strictly to their targets, demonstrating decisiveness but at the expense of flexibility. They may resist considering alternative perspectives, fearing it could undermine their authority. Another contributing factor is the misunderstanding of negotiation dynamics.

Some professionals might equate firmness with strength, assuming that any sign of flexibility is a weakness. This misconception can prevent them from exploring mutually beneficial solutions and adapting to the negotiation process. Understanding these factors highlights the need for a balanced approach, where flexibility and openness to alternative solutions can lead to more successful outcomes.


A rigid approach often leads to stalled negotiations, as the other party may feel frustrated and unwilling to continue discussions. This can result in missed deals and opportunities. Additionally, an inflexible stance can damage relationships, as the other party may perceive you as unreasonable and difficult to work with, potentially harming future collaboration.


To avoid these pitfalls, advocate for a balanced approach. This means being open to making concessions and finding win-win solutions that satisfy both parties’ core interests. Start by identifying your non-negotiables and areas where you can be more flexible. Listen actively to the other party’s concerns and priorities, showing that you value their perspective. Strive to create solutions that provide mutual benefits rather than simply pushing for your own agenda. By demonstrating a willingness to collaborate and adjust your position, you can foster a more positive negotiation environment, build stronger relationships, and achieve agreements that are beneficial for both sides.

With a flexible and collaborative mindset, you’re well-equipped to avoid the next common mistake: lacking clear goals in your negotiations.

Step 5: “Vibes Over Vision”:
Avoid Clear Goals

A significant error in contract negotiation is entering discussions without defined goals and priorities.

Several factors contribute to this oversight among procurement professionals.

Often, there’s an assumption of shared understanding, where professionals believe their objectives are obvious or inherently understood by all parties involved. This can lead to neglecting the explicit setting of clear goals and priorities.

Additionally, the fast-paced environment of procurement can create time pressure, resulting in rushed preparations. Professionals may feel the urgency to move quickly, jumping into negotiations without taking the necessary time to articulate specific goals and strategies.

Again, overreliance on experience also plays a role; seasoned professionals might trust their intuition or previous successes, thinking they can navigate negotiations without formal goal setting. This overconfidence can lead to a lack of structured planning.


Without clear objectives, negotiations often result in unclear outcomes and unmet expectations. This can lead to suboptimal agreements that fail to meet your needs or the needs of the other party. The absence of well-defined goals can also cause negotiators to lose focus, making it harder to advocate effectively for essential terms.


To prevent these issues, it is crucial to set clear, achievable objectives before entering negotiations. Start by identifying your primary goals and the key issues that must be addressed. Prioritise these elements to ensure you remain focused on what matters most. Clearly defined objectives help guide your negotiation strategy and decision-making process. Additionally, consider the other party’s likely goals and how they align with yours. This can help in crafting proposals that are more likely to be accepted. Staying focused on desired outcomes ensures that you can effectively advocate for your interests and reach agreements that are both satisfactory and strategic. By setting and adhering to clear objectives, you enhance your ability to negotiate successfully and achieve favourable results.

With clear goals in mind, let’s turn our attention to the importance of recognising and respecting individual differences in negotiations.

Step 6: “My Perspective is Universal”:
Overlook Individual Differences

A critical error in contract negotiation is underestimating differences, whether cultural, gender, or individual communication styles. Several factors contribute to this oversight among procurement professionals.

Often, working in homogeneous environments can lead professionals to assume that their own perspective is the norm, causing them to overlook the unique needs and viewpoints of others.

Bias and stereotyping also play a significant role. Implicit biases and stereotypes can cause professionals to make assumptions about other parties based on cultural, gender, or personal characteristics, leading to dismissive attitudes and a lack of genuine engagement.

Additionally, a lack of training in cultural competence and inclusive communication can leave many procurement professionals ill-equipped to appreciate and adapt to individual differences during negotiations.

Recognising these factors highlights the importance of fostering diversity, addressing biases, and investing in proper training to ensure a more inclusive and effective negotiation process.


Failing to acknowledge and respect differences can lead to misunderstandings, offense, and breakdowns in communication. This can result in stalled or failed negotiations and damage professional relationships. For example, mansplaining—where men explain things to women in a condescending manner—can alienate female negotiators and undermine their contributions.


It is essential to recognise and respect all differences during negotiations. Start by fostering an inclusive mindset and being aware of your own biases.

Research and understand the cultural backgrounds, gender dynamics, and individual communication styles of all parties involved.

Encourage a respectful dialogue where everyone feels valued and heard. Avoid condescending behaviour such as mansplaining, and instead, actively listen and validate the perspectives of all participants.

Adapt your communication style to be more inclusive and considerate, ensuring that your approach does not inadvertently marginalise anyone. Respecting differences and promoting inclusivity not only prevents misunderstandings and offense but also enhances collaboration and innovation.

Step 7: “Can’t You Guess My Thoughts?”:
Skip Clear Communication

Ineffective communication, characterised by unclear language and a lack of active listening, is a frequent error in contract negotiations. This often results from assumptions, jargon, or failing to engage with the other party’s points fully.

Several factors contribute to this oversight among procurement professionals.

One issue is the assumption of understanding. Professionals might assume that the other party is familiar with industry jargon and technical terms, leading to communication that isn’t clear. This can result in critical details being misunderstood or overlooked. Another factor is the high workload and time pressure typical in procurement.

The demanding nature of the job can cause professionals to rush through communications, prioritising speed over clarity, which can lead to incomplete explanations and a lack of detailed discussion.

Additionally, failure to engage fully is a significant issue. Busy schedules and the need to multitask can prevent procurement professionals from fully focusing on the other party’s points. This lack of active listening can cause important information to be missed and misunderstandings to arise. Recognising these factors highlights the importance of prioritising clear, concise communication and active listening to ensure effective and productive negotiations.

Emphasizing the Importance of Summarizing Key Points. Summarizing key points during negotiations is crucial for ensuring mutual understanding and alignment between parties. By periodically recapping the main topics discussed, you can confirm that both sides are on the same page and have a clear grasp of the agreements being made. This practice helps to clarify any ambiguities, reinforce important details, and prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, summarizing demonstrates active listening and shows the other party that you value their input, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. It also provides an opportunity to address any discrepancies or concerns immediately, rather than allowing them to escalate into larger issues later. Effective summarization ensures that negotiations remain focused, organized, and productive, paving the way for a successful and mutually beneficial agreement.


Poor communication can lead to misinterpretations and frustration, causing negotiations to break down. Misunderstandings about terms, intentions, or expectations can derail progress and create conflict, potentially resulting in lost opportunities and damaged relationships.


Effective communication is crucial for successful negotiations. Start by ensuring that your language is clear and concise. Avoid jargon and explain complex terms thoroughly to prevent confusion. Active listening is equally important; it involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and then remembering what the other party has said. This shows respect and helps in accurately capturing their concerns and viewpoints. Confirming mutual understanding throughout the negotiation process can prevent misinterpretations. This can be done by summarising key points, asking clarifying questions, and seeking feedback to ensure that all parties are on the same page. By prioritising clear, concise communication and active listening, you can foster a more productive negotiation environment, reduce the risk of misunderstandings, and enhance the likelihood of reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

With clear communication practices in place, let’s wrap up with some final thoughts.

Final Thoughts

Learning from these common mistakes can significantly enhance your effectiveness as a negotiator. By avoiding pitfalls such as insufficient preparation, overlooking rapport, and skipping clear communication, you can foster stronger relationships, secure better deals, and achieve more favourable outcomes in your contract negotiations.

Have you considered the value that a procurement consultant can add?

Consider bringing in a procurement consultant-negotiator to lead your negotiations and coach your team. They will do the prep work, lead the negotiation and close the deal for you.

They are also excellent coaches. A good procurement consultant will help your internal team develop essential negotiation skills.  By focusing on these competencies, procurement consultants not only enhance the immediate negotiation process but also contribute to long-term capability building within the organization.

Let’s not forget about training!

Enhance your team’s negotiation skills further by booking an on-site specialised course.  Check out the Negotiation Essentials Course for beginners and the Advanced Negotiation Course for more experienced professionals. These courses provide valuable insights and practical techniques to improve your negotiation strategies and outcomes.

The wrap

In this guide, we’ve detailed the seven critical missteps procurement professionals should avoid improving their negotiation outcomes. From the dangers of inadequate preparation to the importance of clear communication, we’ve explored how to navigate these pitfalls effectively.

By learning from these common mistakes, you can enhance your negotiation strategies, achieve better results, and build stronger partnerships. Each step in the negotiation process is an opportunity to strengthen your position and ensure that all parties’ interests are protected. Embrace these insights, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more effective negotiator.